
Showing posts from January, 2016

Raspberry Pi - 3 - Simple LED Blinking program using Node Js

 If you are new to the raspberry Pi then first read below tutorials. Raspberry Pi: 1 - Startup Raspberry pi with OS installation and configuration with laptop Raspberry Pi: 2 - Simple LEDBlinking program using Python For Flashing/Blinking the Led on breadboard using Node JS follow bellow steps. Download  Source code: LedBlinker_Nodejs.rar ·         R equired List of components a).           1 - Raspberry Pi device with 5 V power supply. b).          1 - Bread Board c).           1 - Male to Female jumper cable d).          1 - LED 1.        First connect the GPIO pin to the bread board as shown in figure. 2.        Here we use the PIN Number:  “ 4 “  (As per number 4(pin rank 7) , third from the top – left ).  For get the output  from the raspberry pi so connect eh jumper wire  from Raspberry PI GPIO pin “4” to bread board as shown in  image 3.        Now take LED and put it on bread board as show in image. Connect the Plus terminal of LED to the Jumper cable (green cable in image) co

Raspberry Pi - 2 Simple LED Blinking program using Python

Raspberry Pi: 1 - Startup Raspberry pi with OS installation and configuration with laptop For Flashing/Blinking the Led on breadboard using python follow bellow steps. Download  Source code: LedBlinker_Python.rar ·          Required List of components : a).          1 - Raspberry Pi device with 5 V power supply. b).          1 - Bread Board c).          1 - Male to Female jumper cable d).          1 - LED 1.        First connect the GPIO pin to the bread board as shown in figure. 2.        Here we use the PIN Number:  “ 4 “  (As per number 4(pin rank 7) , third from the top – left ).  for get the output  from the raspberry pi so connect eh jumper wire  from Raspberry PI GPIO pin “4” to bread board as shown in  image 3.        Now take LED and put it on bread board as show in image. Connect the Plus terminal of LED to the Jumper cable (green cable in image) come from the GPIO Pin “4” as shown in image Now take another jumper cable (black cable in image) connect it the GPIO pin “Ground”

Raspberry Pi: 1 - Startup Raspberry pi with OS installation and configuration with laptop

·          This tutorial is for those people who don’t want to use external LED/LCD screen for raspberry PI project development. ·          You need following Component. a).           Raspberry Pi device b).          Laptop c).           Router d).          LAN Cable or USB Wi Fi connector. e).          5 V power supply d).          SD card (mini. 8 GB) ·          You need following software. a).           Advance IP scanner. ( b).          Putty software ( c).           Xming   ( d).          SD formatter ( e).          Win32 Disk Imager ( For start raspberry pi with laptop screen follow below steps 1.        First we have to install the Operating System for the raspberry Pi so download the OS from the given link ( https://www.ra