
Showing posts from August, 2016

How to use serial.write() in Arduino.

-           First you have to declare it with board rate 9600 Serial.begin(9600);    -           Then we check is serial port is available. If available then we write data to it. if (Serial.available()>0) {       Serial.Write(byte data); }

How to write string in serial port in arduino.

For write the string in serial port you can use . Serial.println(“YourString”)’;

How to check existing of charter in string in arduino

A rduino program is develops in c++ language. For find the value from the string we use the index of function. Example:       int intIndex = rcvData.indexOf('on');     if (intIndex >0)     {      digitalWrite(7, HIGH);    // You word “On” is exit in string.     }

How to define string in arduino

For defining the string in arduino syntax given below. String rcvData;

How to find value from string in arduino

Arduino program is develops in c++ language. For find the value from the string we use the index of function. Example:      int intIndex = rcvData.indexOf('on');    if (intIndex >0)    {      digitalWrite(7, HIGH);    // You word “On” is exit in string.    }

How to get request page value in navision report?

For getting the value whatever selected by end user on request page of report we use "GETFILTER" function. Syntax : <Table Name>.GETFILTER(<Field Name>); Example: MESSAGE(FORMAT("Bank Account Ledger Entry".GETFILTER("Posting Date"))); it will shows posting date for 'Bank Account Ledger Entry' table selected by user.

How to get request page filter in navision report.

For getting the value whatever selected by end user on request page of report we use "GETFILTER" function. Syntax : <Table Name>.GETFILTER(<Field Name>); Example: MESSAGE(FORMAT("Bank Account Ledger Entry".GETFILTER("Posting Date"))); it will shows posting date for 'Bank Account Ledger Entry' table selected by user.

How to use XML path in MS SQL

Generally XML Path in SQL is use to convert the multiple row in single row. you we can say that you can concate the multiple rows in single row for understanding the XML path function we simple take one example so first we create one table with State and city column as show in below declare @Test Table(StateName VARCHAR(20),CityName VARCHAR(20)) Insert @Test(StateName,CityName) Values  ('Gujarat','Ahmedabad') ,('Gujarat','Rajkot') ,('Gujarat','Junagadh') ,('Rajasthan','Kota') ,('Rajasthan','Udaypur') ,('Rajasthan','Jaipur') ,('Maharastra','Mumbai-1') ,('Maharastra','Mumbai-2'); OUTPUT: Here you see that table result display state name with city name but I want all the city name in single column with comma separated so for that I use the XML path function in MS SQL SERVER. Syntax: <Your Select query> For XML Path (''); It converts the data in XML

STUFF function in MS SQL

STUFF function in MS SQL is use to replace the specific potion of this with another string in any sentence.  Syntax: STUFF(“String_Value”,Start_Position,Length,”New_String_Value”); Here in STUFF function you have to pass original string as first parameter (means string on which you have to apply STUFF function), then second parameter you have to pass start position (index) means from where you want to start the replacement, and the in third parameter you have to pass how many character you have to replace, and the last parameter you have to pass new string which you want to add in original string. Example: Select STUFF('This is STUFF Function in MS SQL',15,8,'Method')   OUTPUT: This is STUFF Method in MS SQL

How draw round Symbol in RDLC report.

- First create new RDLC report. - Now add one text box to it and then right click on it and got to Expression…   -  And write the =”🌕" - Now click on Ok button and increase the font size of text box.   - Now generate the report it display like    - Now go to print button and click on it . - Select the ”foxit Reader” and save it in PDF file and then open it.