
Showing posts from July, 2014

How to make colorful login form in WPF windows application

Make your windows application more animated and colorful attraction. Download Project: Follow steps. : I). open visual studio. (Here I used VS 2012) 2). Go to new project select WPF application as show in figure. 3). Now go to solution explore and add new folder as shown in figure. 4). Give it name “Images” 5). Add the entire used image in this folder. 6). Now set MainWindow properties like. AllowsTransparency ="True" WindowStyle ="None" WindowStartupLocation ="CenterScreen" < Window.Background >         < ImageBrush ImageSource ="Images/Untitled-1.png"/> </ Window.Background > 8). Add all the required images to the project also add text box and button. 7). Now run your projects it will sow output like:  Download Project: See Also : Android Installation for beginners_Part-1 Android Installation for beginners How to Resize a Partition in Windows 7 or Vista How to customize se

How to generate download link from the Google drive

1.        First upload any documents or ZIP file 2.        After successful upload  right click on this an goto share opti on Now change the settings “Who has access” to the “ Anyone who has the link can view . 3.        And copy the test which is shown in image as selection for example :      “ 0B1Sn2AiTvssqcWdVaGp3YXZJWkk123 ” 4.        **********--------- Google Drive --************* **********--------------------------************ 5.        Show now the download link is make like : 6.        Now click on this link it will download your uploaded zip file …..Enjoy it…… See Also : Android Installation for beginners_Part-1 Android Installation for beginners How to Resize a Partition in Windows 7 or Vista How to customize send to menu. How to change Folder background in windows 7   Follow Me On Facebook -- /\/ir@\/  &l

How to get website source Code using application.

Download Project: 1.        Fist make form as per image given 2.        Write code on button click event                      string strurl=txtUral.Text;             if (strurl != "" )             {                 HttpWebRequest objwr = ( HttpWebRequest ) WebRequest .Create(strurl);                 HttpWebResponse objher = ( HttpWebResponse )objwr.GetResponse();                 StreamReader strreader = new StreamReader (objher.GetResponseStream());                 txtdata.Text = strreader.ReadToEnd();                 strreader.Close();             }             else             {                 MessageBox .Show( "Please Enter valid URL" );             }             See Also : how to crack IDM How to change name of start button in xp how to connect to facebook without Internet connec... How to customize send to menu. How to hide folder without any software.   Follow Me On Facebook -- /\/ir@\/  <(.'.)>

How to bind Google Map in application.

Download Project: 1.        Fist take control as shown in image textbox, button, web browser… 2.        Now generate the click event of the button an write code:                      string strstate = txtState.Text;             string strpin = txtPinCode.Text;             string strcity = txtCity.Text;             string strstreet = txtStreet.Text;             StringBuilder objstrbud = new StringBuilder ();             objstrbud.Append( " " );             if (strstate!= "" )             {                 objstrbud.Append(strstate + "," + "+" );             }             if (strcity != "" )             {                 objstrbud.Append(strcity + "," + "+" );             }             if (strpin != "" )             {                 objstrbud.Append(strpin + "," + "+" );             }                         if (strst

How to Get ALL Computer Name and IP Address from the LAN connection.

Download Project :         using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; namespace GetNetworkIpAddress {     public partial class Form1 : Form     {         public Form1()         {             InitializeComponent();         }                private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)         {             //Gets the machine names that are connected on LAN             Process netUtility = new Process ();             netUtility.StartInfo.FileName = "net.exe" ;             netUtility.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true ;             netUtility.StartInfo.Arguments = "view" ;             netUtility.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true ;             netUtility.

How to get Computer Name from the LAN in

Download Project : 1.    first you have to a namespace                using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; 2.        now .                           Process netUtility = new Process ();             netUtility.StartInfo.FileName = "net.exe" ;             netUtility.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true ;             netUtility.StartInfo.Arguments = "view" ;             netUtility.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true ;             netUtility.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false ;             netUtility.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true ;             netUtility.Start(); StreamReader streamReader = StreamReader (netUtility.StandardOutput.BaseStream,                       netUtility.StandardOutput.CurrentEncoding); 3.        now make loop                         string line = "" ;               while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null )               {                

How to get ip address of the all LAN computers.

Download Project : To get the ip address of the all the computer which is connected to the local area network . code: ·          there is a way to get ip address there is dll also available which is returns the ip address and computer name which is connecter to your network. ·          Download DLL From :   GetLaneIpAddress_Nirav_Daraniya                 How to use DLL in your application a.        First take one windows form, and then drag and drop the button control to it and also list box control to form control. b.       Now add dll to the project, this DLL is can not take any argument but its class name is “Class1” and it will return the Hash table. c.        Code: Add namespace in project Imports GetLaneIpAddress_Nirav_Daraniya Make object of the class which is define in DLL Dim objClass1 As New Class1 Now generate button click event on your project private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)          {  

How to pass enter key value on comport in application

SerialPort1.Write(“YourCommand” & vbCr) See Also : How to Get operating system name using,How ... How to Get processor name using,How to get information about processor using How to upaload image with resize it, How to resize uploaded image and save How to get computer name using How to upload and save image in ?   Follow Me On Facebook -- /\/ir@\/  <(.'.)>

How to pass enter key value on comport in application

SerialPort1.Write(“YourCommand” + “ \r\n ”); See Also : How to show hidden theme in win 7. How To Make "Star Design" In CMD Windows. How to get color name in C#.Net How to change Logon Message in Windows7 How to find the product Key of Windows XP CD   Follow Me On Facebook -- /\/ir@\/  <(.'.)>

How to bind comport in c#.Net application.

1.     All process of the binding comport and recive data(both with richtext box and datarecieved event). -          First i will talk about the what is comport and how it is used -          Comport is one type of the commination port which is use to send and receive the data from the machine which is connected to computer with comport -          When we want to use comport we have to bind this comport first then we use it. -          Comport has some properties like board rate, parity bit, port numbered… -          You can receive or send the data from the comport by two or more way here I explain two way A.       receive the data by the comport data received event   A. using data received event using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using System.IO.Ports;   namespace ComportExample {     public