
Showing posts from June, 2016

Login service in PHP and MySQL for Android Application

Generally service is one type of intermediate for the communication between multiple different technologies, so here we make one service which Is use to login valid user to android application. Here process flow is Android app user enter its username and password to its application then press  login button , now on login button we call PHP service which is connect the My SQL database and check the  user table , and return response to the android application. For creating the Service in PHP we have to make one page in PHP and also make table “tbl_User” for store user data in My SQL, so by using service we compare the user data come from android app with tbl_User and return result.  For create service follow below steps. 1.       Make Table in MySQL for storing the user. Give its name “tbl_User” this table contains UserName, Password etc…, for creating table run below script. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tbl_user` (   `ur_Id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `ur_username` varchar(50) NO

How to install SQL express automatic. OR Silent installation of SQL Express.

For installing the SQL server or SQL express automatically base on single click you have to run command in command prompt with some parameter given below Command Syntax :  <Setup Path> /QS /ACTION=Install /FEATURES=SQL /INSTANCENAME=<Instance Name> /SQLSVCACCOUNT=<DomainName\Username> /SQLSVCPASSWORD=<PC Password> /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=<DomainName\Username> /AGTSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYNetwork Service" /SECURITYMODE="SQL" /SAPWD=<SQL Password for Sa> Example : E:\Software\FV\SqlExpress2008\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.EXE /QS /ACTION=Install /FEATURES=SQL /INSTANCENAME=SQLEXPRESS2008 /SQLSVCACCOUNT="nirav" /SQLSVCPASSWORD="n123456" /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="nirav" /AGTSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYNetwork Service" /SECURITYMODE="SQL" /SAPWD="123456"     Parameters : a.   /QS :=    This will display installation wizard but not gives any type of control for change. b.   /FEATURES=SQL   This will sa

The setting ‘IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS’ specified is not recognized. OR Result Facility code:1204

In installing the SQL express 2008 with silent installation you have to remove the “/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS” word from the script. because this will support only for SQL express Service Pack 2 and R2 version so. SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.EXE /QS /ACTION=Install /FEATURES=SQL /INSTANCENAME= SQLEXPRESS2008 /SQLSVCACCOUNT="nirav" /SQLSVCPASSWORD="123456" /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS ="nirav" /AGTSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYNetwork Service" /SECURITYMODE="SQL" /SAPWD="123456"

The setting ‘SQLSVCINSTANTFILEINIT’ specified is not recognized. OR Result Facility code:1204

In installing the SQL express 2008 with silent installation you have to remove the “/SQLSVCINSTANTFILEINIT="True” word from the script. because this will support only for SQL express Service Pack 2 and R2 version so. SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.EXE /QS /ACTION=Install /FEATURES=SQL /INSTANCENAME=SQLEXPRESS2008 /SQLSVCACCOUNT="nirav" /SQLSVCPASSWORD="123456" /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="nirav" /AGTSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYNetwork Service" /SECURITYMODE="SQL" /SAPWD="123456"

What is Microsoft Dynamics Navision Development Environment

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment is one of the main part of NAV , All developer  use this for developing new functionalities or customize  existing functions. Developer can create of modify page, codeunit, query, report… etc. we will discuss all this in detail below. Microsoft Dynamics Navision Development Environment have built up of an manly 7 object a.         Table b.        Page c.         Report d.        Codeunit e.        Query f.          XMLPort g.         Menusuite a.        Table :             In simple word TABLE is one type of 2 - dimensional container. Which have rows and columns, you all are aware about tables in SQL server database this table is same as SQL table, table is used to store the data. developer can modify the existing table or create new table, table can store any type of data, when you create table at that time you have to specify the its column with data type, as per data type you can store data in table, table is store the data permanently

Microsoft Dynamic Navision 2013 R2 installation Steps

Installing the Microsoft Dynamics Navision(NAV) we use operating system Windows 7 ultimate – 64 SP 1 following requirement for installing NAV. -Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit Operating System -Windows 7 Ultimate– SP1 updates ( Click Here to download ) -Windows Power shell 3.0 ( Click here to download ) -SQL expresses 2012 If you have Visual studio 2010 is already install in your computer then you have to also install its Service pack 1 for Visual studio 2010. ( Click here to download ). Download the setup file as per you operating system architecture (32/64 bit)( Click here to download ).   Before installation start for Navision first we install SQL EXPRESS 2012 separately. Then we click on setup file of NAV 2013 R2. which will display following screen.     Then accept the condition and go next. As show in below image 5        Now there are 2 options for installing the NAV 1 st for install all the related component and 2 nd is custom installation of NAV in whi

What is Microsoft Dynamics Navision?

" Microsoft Dynamics Navision " is an built in ERP (Enterprise resource planning) software product by Microsoft, it can be used in many fields given below. -Financial management -manufacturing -sales marketing -human resource management -project management -service management -supply chain management Microsoft Dynamics Navision (NAV) is already built and modifiable application software, so developer can customize it as per client requirement. Microsoft Dynamics Navision is easy to use compare to other related software product. Microsoft Dynamics Navision is run on windows operating system environment and it develops in .net framework, and it integrated with the SQL server for data storage. Microsoft Dynamics Navision is easy to configure and any one can understand easily, it’s also support multi languages. Microsoft Dynamics Navision is more popular product among all the Microsoft dynamic products. NAV is mostly use in small and mid. size organization for example if you have