Data grid is a control for display the data in tabular format in our application. In data grid when u select any row then for getting this rows unique id write code like : Ex : here we will take ‘ dgcustomer ’ as data grid with following column name (Id,Name,RollNumber,Pass) string strid = "" ; DataRowView rowview = dgcustomer.SelectedItem as DataRowView ; strid = rowview.Row[ "Id" ].ToString(); MessageBox .Show( "ID : " + strid);
For understanding the use of FOR loop in NAV , show below example. FOR i:=0 TO 10 DO BEGIN MESSAGE(FORMAT(i)); END OUTPUT: Here it will display continuous message box 10 time with 1 to 10 number.
For understanding the use of CASE statement in NAV , show below example. i:=0; WHILE i<10 DO BEGIN MESSAGE(FORMAT(i)); i:=i+1; END; OUTPUT: Here it will display continuous message box 10 time with 1 to 10 number.
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